Monday, November 21, 2011


Let me just first say how happy I am that so many of you are interested in learning about this stuff.  The positive response is really overwhelming. Thank you!!

Alright that said, now we'll start getting into the fun stuff.  I am a total cheapskate and am all about free.  And the internet is the BEST place to get free.  Do you know how much stuff is out there at your fingertips that's as good as gold?  I LOVE IT!!  Everything I have used, read, watched, listened to, is all on the internet for free!  I have not bought anything other than The China Study (yes, most of these recipe books have leaked recipes on the internet) and fitness equipment (but even that is minimal, and we'll get to that later.)

These are but a few of the items I have found to be very helpful; things that have kept me interested in this quest and recipes that have kept me from starving.  (We'll dive deeper into recipes later.  I plan to dedicate a whole week to that...or more!)  Also, I know there is so much more out there than this, so please share with me what you  have found helpful.  Books, movies, websites that you have found inspiration from.  Leave a comment and let me know what's helped you.

Before you get lost below, tomorrow we'll start diving into what to eat.  What in the world do you do with all those veggies?  How often do you go shopping?  Do you  have a lot of veggies that just get thrown away?  I can't wait!!

Some of my favorite movies that I've watched several times are found on Netflix watch instantly (which is fantastic because you can watch them tonight! :)

Food, Inc.Food MattersForks Over KnivesFat, Sick, & Nearly Dead, & King Corn
This one is probably my favorite. 
A close second to my favorite.

All about juicing, plus he's Aussie!  
All about corn, and HFCS.  Very interesting.

All about The China Study.  Awesome!

All of these websites are fantastic and I frequent them weekly.  Each one lists lots of recipes and information on the vegan diet and lifestyle: 

This probably by FAR my favorite website.
I'm on her site a couple of times a week.
She has a wealth of information on here that is just amazing.

Great books, including cookbooks:

The China Study, Veganomicon, Appetite for Reduction, The Happy Herbivore, Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World, Vegan Cookies Invade Your Cookie Jar, Vegan With a Vengeance.