Tuesday, December 13, 2011

On days and off days

So, the thing about motivation that we all have to remember is that you will have on days and you will have off days.  Sometimes off weeks.  And, well, lets just say this week is starting out to be on off week for me.  With family in town I stayed up way to late every night and haven't wanted to get up early  for workouts (and still feel like I'm catching up), it's been raining, my kids are going stir crazy, and driving me bonkers and Christmas stuff, don't even get me started on Christmas stuff.  Yeah, I'd say its an off week (or at least two days so far.)  And that's OK, right?  That's life.  Or at least what I have grown to call life. 

We all go through these phases.  The key is to not let it keep you down.  I think the best thing to do in times like these is to stop competing with others and start competing with ourselves.  Who cares what someone else accomplished while it was raining and the kids were screaming!  Tomorrow is another day and we all get to start over.  My kids won't be screaming then.  :) 

Tomorrow will be a better day!